Our Vision:

To be the Pioneer Ministry of the Southern Province

Our Mission:

To Provide the Provincial Contribution Towards Achieving the National Development Goals by Monitoring the Departments Authorities and Institutions Effectively and Efficiently for the socioeconomic Development of the Citizens of the Southern Province.


Right to Information Act
Right to Information Act No. 12 of 2016 has been enacted by the Parliament of Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka whereas the Constitution guarantees the right of access to information in Article 14 A there of and there exists a need to foster a culture of transparency and accountability in Public authorities by giving effect to the right of access to information and thereby promote a society in which the people of Sri Lanka would be able to more actively participate in good governance in public life.

In terms of that Act the details of the Designated Officer for Appeals as mentioned below.
Designated Officer
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Our Team

Secretary Of the Ministry

Mr. U.G. Vidura Kariyawasam

Secretary Ministry of Fisheries - Southern Province +94 91 2234574
Southern Provincial Industrial Development Authority

Mrs. A.P.R.Poornima

Assistant Secretary(Admin) Ministry of Fisheries - Southern Province +94 912246622Email: estabbranch@gmail.com

Mrs.Y.R.N. Sandamali

Accountant Ministry of Fisheries - Southern Province +94 912246622Email: spmofacc@gmail.com
Deputy Director(Planning

Mr. Rasanga Sooriyarachchi

Deputy Director (Planning) Ministry of Fisheries - Southern Province +94 912 234 532Email:fishdevsection@gmail.com
Assistant Director(Planning)

Mrs. Chathurika Prasadini

Deputy Director (Planning) Ministry of Fisheries - Southern Province +94 912234532Email:fishdevsection@gmail.com
Administrative Officer

Mrs. Nadeesha Prasadika Hewapathirana

Administrative Officer+94 912234576 Email: estabbranch@gmail.com
Provincial Director of Department of Animal Production and Health

Dr. K.L.K.S.Perera

Provincial Director -South (Acting) +94 912222477 Southern Provincial Animal Production & Health Department
Provincial Director of Department of Industrial Development

Mrs. Anju Kariyawasam

Provincial Director +94 912234479 Southern Provincial Industrial Development Department
Southern Provincial Industrial Development Authority

Mr. Saman Jayasingha

Director General +94 912226296 Southern Provincial Industrial Development Authority


Sri Lankan parliament passed the 13th amendment to the 1987 constitution of Sri Lanka and the Provincial Council act no 42 of 1987 in the year 1988. Accordingly, nine provincial councils were created.

13th amendment of the constitution. (Certified on 14th november1987)

(Power vested to the ministry from the constitution)

Provincial List (List 1)
20. Animal husbandry – Prevention, protection and improvement of stock and prevention of animal diseases within the province.
21. Subject to the formulation and implementation of the national policy in regard to development and planning, the power to promote, establish and engage in agricultural, industrial, commercial and trading enterprises and other income - generating projects, within the province without prejudice to the power of the government and public corporationsto have such enterprises and projects.

13th amendment of the constitution. Certified on 14th november1987)

(Power vested to the ministry from the constitution)

Concurrent List (List III)
19. Fisheries – Other than fishing beyond territorial waters.
20. Animal Husbandry –
20:1 Production, Processing, distribution and sale of livestock and livestock products
20:2 Veterinary training services and research, inclusive of the provision of the science equipment
20:3 Animal breeding, care and health
20:4 The establishment of pastures
33. Protection of the environment


1. Mr. Albert Rathnayaka – 1989 – 1991
2. Mr. W.M. Gamage – 1991-1994
3. Mr. H.W. Wijayarathna – 1994 - 2006
4. Mrs. P.M. Thilaka Kalyani – 2006-2007
5. Mr.C.S. Lokuhetti – 2007-2009
6. Mr. A.W. Sarath – 2009-2009
7. Mr. K.A.H. Keerthirathna - 2009-2010
8. Mr. A.L.A Asoka Siriwardana - 2010-2012
9. Mrs.D.S. Pathmakulasooriya – 2012-2015
10. Mr.A.U.Welarathna – 2015-2019
11.Mr. U.G. Vidura kariyawasam – from 2019

The Ministry functions under three main sections.

Establishment Section

Up-to-date, operational and supervision of institutions and administrative systems in order to provide an efficient and optimum service to the Southern people based on the fisheries, livestock and rural industries sectors.

Development Section

Implementation of development projects with proper utilization of physical and human resources, managing short term and long term plans under the purview of the Ministry for the economic and social development of the people of the Southern Province.

Account Section

Financial Management activities of the Ministry of Fisheries and the Institutions coming under it.